miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2016

Special Talent

I don't really think I have a special talent, so I'm going to talk about what I think I good at; painting.
I started painting when I was little, like 9 or 10 years old, with my school teacher, miss Norma Salinas, who taught me how to paint with oil.  My mom realized that I really liked painting, so she put me in classes with a teacher; Marcela Barlaro. Miss Marcela taught me everything I know until now about painting.

My first exposition was when I was 12, I expose with my classmates from the class of arts in school, and I was really happy about it. After that I have several expositions, all with my classmates.
The first exposition that had on my own, was when I was 14, and I exposed in the Cultural center of Copiapó.

The second exposition that I had, was last year, in the new Cultural center of Copiapo, where I put almost all my works, even the ones that I have made when I was 9 years old. In that place I sold my first work.

                                                           This is the paint that I sell

In this moment I have actually a exposition in a notary, and it will last 1 week more.

Every time I travel to Copiapo, I go to Marcela's workshop, and paint, because here in Santiago I don't really have time.

6 comentarios:

  1. OMG!!!!! :O I didnt knew anything about these!!!!! of course it is a special talent!, and its so sad you dont have time for doing it here... but I think maybe you should tried!

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. I really like the way that you paint! you make very beautiful paintings

  4. Wooooooah ! you're amazing! you have really beautiful paintings, congratulations for your expositions

  5. If you think that is not an special talent you are crazy, you're paintings are beutiful I like the light in them.

  6. wow! that is amazing! I know that here and with the university you don't have time for all your things but never stop to do it, because is a very special talent!
