sábado, 17 de diciembre de 2016


Well, the first thing that I would change in the study programme, would be the hours of homework that we have EVERYDAY, that is approximate 4 hours after classes, that would be a total of betweeen 14 to 15 hours of study, leaving from 4 to 5 hours of sleep.


About the things that I have to study, I think that are ok, but one big problem is that I don´t have enough time to study for subjects other than workshop.
The faculty facilities, by the moment, are good, the only problem is that in the winter, it´s probably more cold inside the building, than the outside.
Because I´m in my first year, I still don´t have to use softwares, but I think that would be a problem, I don´t have a really good computer.
In the teaching methods, I´m very conform with all my subjects, except workshop.
I don´t think that it´s neccesary to pass through all that suffering, for something that I was suposed to love, and now I don´t want to even think about, and even more when me and my classmates are getting sick, like literally ill.

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